Showing posts with label quickstart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quickstart. Show all posts

Friday, February 13, 2015

Quick Start: gnuplot - multiline graph

- Download and install gnuplot:
- Creat a file data.txt:

Time    TX    RX    Total
1    0.00%    0.95%    0.95%
2    0.00%    1.03%    1.03%
3    0.09%    0.83%    0.92%
4    0.09%    1.09%    1.17%
5    0.00%    0.69%    0.69%
6    0.09%    1.07%    1.16%
7    0.00%    1.02%    1.02%
8    0.09%    1.15%    1.25%
9    0.09%    0.85%    0.94%
10    0.00%    0.92%    0.92%
11    0.18%    0.98%    1.16%
12    0.18%    1.19%    1.37%
13    0.18%    1.36%    1.54%
14    0.23%    1.30%    1.52%
15    0.00%    0.89%    0.89%
16    0.09%    1.17%    1.26%
17    0.09%    1.26%    1.35%
18    0.00%    1.13%    1.13%
19    0.18%    1.28%    1.46%
20    0.09%    0.84%    0.93%

- Run in gnuplot>

set xlabel 'Time (s)'
set ylabel 'Duty Cycle (%)'
set yrange [0:2]
set xrange [1:20]
set key autotitle columnheader
plot "data.txt" u 1:2 w linespoints lt -1 pt 5 dt 5, '' u 1:3 w linespoints lt -1 pt 4 dt 2, '' u 1:4 w linespoints lt -1 pt 3

- Output

Monday, March 25, 2013

Quick Start: LaTeX Bibliography - BibTeX

1. LaTex Template: download and extract to latex_template
ex: IEEE template (
2. Bibliography style: download and extract to latex_template folder
ex: IEEE style (
3. Create a BibTeX file example.bib by several ways:
- Many articles have their own BibTeX code to download
- Use a text editor, ex: TexMaker (
- Use a References Management software, ex: JabRef (
4. Cite references
- A reference consists of a Bibtexkey (e.g., Han:2011) and other infos
- Cite in a document by \cite{Han:2011}

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quick Start: Graph with Matlab

Prepare data in file ttidata.m

1 157 1851 (separated by TAB)
2 203 1864
3 250 1866
4 281 1869
5 313 2187
6 344 2713
7 359 2716
8 375 2942
9 406 3039
10 453 3301

Draw (x, y) and (x, z) graphs on the same canvas

load ttidata.m
y = ttidata(:,2);
z = ttidata(:,3);
hold on

Quick Start: LaTeX

Environment Preparation
1. LaTex package: download and install
- MiKTex:
2. LaTex editor: download and install
- TexMaker:
3. Template: download and extract
- IEEEtran:

Hello World
1. Open bare_jrnl.tex in the IEEEtran template with TexMaker and edit it as you wish.
2. Build the document by F6 (PDFLaTeX) and view F7 (View PDF)