Showing posts with label iot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iot. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Next Web Applications — From an IoT Point of View

The Internet is a scalable global network of computers that interoperates across heterogeneous hardware and software. On top of the Internet, the Web is an outstanding example of how a set of relatively simple and open standards can be used to build very complex systems while preserving efficiency and scalability. The Web and its underlying open protocols have become a part of our everyday life — something we access at home or on the move, through our laptops, phones, tablet, TV, or wearable devices. It has changed the way we communicate and has been a key factor in the way the Internet has transformed the global economy and societies around the world.

Meanwhile, the Internet of Things will allow physical objects to transmit data about themselves and their surroundings, bringing more information about the real world online and help users to better interact with their surroundings. Flowers, for example, can send you an email or a SnapChat photo of your flower when they need watering. Doctors can implant sensors in your body that give you real-time updates about your health updating frequently to a secure online database of your personal data. Even more, IoT data will go beyond the scope of each own service provider to go online and share with other applications and users.

In the next Web, applications will interact with smart objects through communication networks using open Web standards. These applications are the natural evolution of Web application when today’s Internet is transforming to the Internet of everything to include smart objects in the loop. There can be an application to get access to your Google calendar with the note of cleaning your living room to have your mother visit in few hours. The application then asks your robot cleaner to automatically wake up and do cleaning. Robot cleaner notifies you (by sending an email or a SnapChat message) when it starts working or finishes the work. Another application can let you talk to your devices in the way you talk to your friend with the support of natural language processing engines; this is the new experience of making friendship with your devices. Yet another application can serve you in the airport to update the status of the flight, providing practical information in the airport, connecting to the boarding machine to update you for any delay of boarding time that you can spend more time doing shopping in duty free. Yet another application can synchronize your TV programs and football schedule and also your social network profile to remind you an upcoming match. These applications all require the interactions of existing Web services and new services from smart objects to create new user experience while assuring the seamless transition from developing traditional Web applications to this new type of the next Web applications.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Light sensing with TelosB

A small application to demonstrate IP networking in smart objects: Light sensing with TelosB motes + Contiki OS + uIP stacks.

Equipment needed
- 02 TelosB motes
- 01 gateway machine: Java supported, USB port

- 01 mote is connected to the gateway as a sink node to receive data from the other mote. It is an UDP server to print the received data to serial port
- 01 motes frequently collect light intensity and send it to the sink node if the intensity changes dramatically (higher than a predefined THRESHOLD = 2). It is an UDP client to send data
- Gateway: Using serialdump* tool to get data from the sink node's serial port and a Java client running to capture these data.

Source code


The bottom panel gets darker if  light intensity reduces

Friday, March 21, 2014

Contiki OS 2.7 Cooja Serial Device with serial2pty

Create a virtual serial device for Cooja motes under /dev/pts/[id]

1. Download
2. Update code with new Cooja class names (if not updated) in

- Change package org.contikios.cooja to se.sics.cooja
import se.sics.cooja.*;
import se.sics.cooja.interfaces.SerialPort;
- Change class Cooja to GUI

A modified code can be found here:

3. Build
copy to /contiki/cooja/apps/serial2pty
ant jar
cooja > Settings -> Cooja Extensions... > Select the serial2pty app

4. Test
- Restart Cooja if needed
- Right click on the mote > Mote tools for Test Node > Serial 2 Pty > it shows the serial device (e.g., /dev/pts/10
- Open a Terminal:

#cd contiki
#sudo make login TARGET=sky MOTES=/dev/pts/10 (for a simulated Sky mote)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Contiki OS: RPL Network Setup 2

One mote can be used as a wireless interface (IEEE 802.15.4), host machine as Border Router to  bridge the wireless IPv6 network (e.g., LLN) to outside network, and the Internet.

InstantContiki 2.7 or any machine with Contiki-2.7 and TI MSP430 toolchain (See here)

1. slip-radio (mote 1 as an IEEE 802.15.4 interface)
#cd contiki-2.7/examples/ipv6/slip-radio
#make TARGET=sky
#sudo make TARGET=sky slip-radio.upload

2. UDP servers or any IPv6 service (motes 2..n)
#cd contiki-2.7/examples/ipv6/rpl-udp
#make TARGET=sky
#sudo make TARGET=sky udp-server.upload

3. Host machine (Linux)
 #cd contiki-2.7/examples/ipv6/native-border-router
#make [TARGET=native]
#sudo ./border-router.native -L -v6 aaaa::1/64
*default: -s ttyUSB0 (serial device) -B 115200 (baud rate) -t tun0 (name of interface)

Cooja:  sudo ./border-router.native -a -v6 aaaa::1/64
(enable Serial  Socket Server in the Cooja node used as the wireless interface)

[Contiki 2.7 Release Error] border-router.c:161:28: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token. 
Just delete the ';'

4. Test
ping6 aaaa::212:7400:13cb:44 (mote 1, wireless interface)
ping6 aaaa::212:7400:13ca:fee4 (mote 2)
ping6 aaaa::212:7400:13cb:34fa (mote 3)

Firefox: http://[aaaa::212:7400:13cb:44]

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Contiki OS: Handy Commands and Tools (TelosB)

#make TARGET=sky savetarget (save target)
#make [TARGET=sky] motelist (list of attached motes)
#sudo [TARGET=sky] make login (mote console)
#make [TARGET=sky] MOTES=/dev/ttyUSB1 (target at the motes /dev/ttyUSB1)
#sudo make [MOTES=/dev/ttyUSB1] name_of_program.upload (upload to [ttyUSB1]) 

cd tools\sky
motelist-windows.exe (list of attached motes)
serialdump-windows.exe -b115200 /dev/com5 (mote console of COM5 mote, baud rate 115200)

TelosB driver:  FTDI

Monday, February 17, 2014

Contiki OS: Run Contiki Collect View tool on Windows, Linux

Collect View is a Contiki tool to collect and visualize data from a mote (including energy consumption)

- 01 Host machine (Windows or Linux TI MSP430 toolchain)
- 02 TelosB motes

Motes setup
- Use InstantContiki or Linux with TI MSP430 toolchain (see here)
- Connect 02 motes
- Build and upload udp-sink (sink node) and udp-sender (send node
cd examples/ipv6/rpl-collect
make PERIOD=10 (sending every 10sec) if this doesn't work change in the source file collect-common.c #define PERIOD 10

make TARGET=sky MOTES=/dev/ttyUSB0 udp-sink.upload
make TARGET=sky MOTES=/dev/ttyUSB1 udp-sender.upload

Windows environment setup
- Download Contiki source (contiki-2.7)
- Download ANT and extract to a folder (E:\dev\apache-ant-1.9.3)
- Add System Environment variable ANT_HOME=E:\dev\apache-ant-1.9.3
- Add %ANT_HOME%\bin to your PATH

build.xml fix (for Windows)
- Remove the collect-view-shell.ihex part (it is used to compile collect example and copy to the dist folder)
<target name="collect-view-shell.ihex"
<target name="dist" depends="jar,collect-view-shell.ihex">

Go and rock
- Connect sink node to the host machin
- Run Terminal or cmd (Windows with administrator)

cd contiki-2.7\tools\collect-view
ant (building)
cd dist
java -jar collect-view.jar /dev/com6 (Windows, COM6 is the device port)
sudo java -jar collect-view.jar /dev/ttyUSB0 (Linux, ttyUSB0 is the device port)

Click Start Collect

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Contiki OS: TelosB Toolchain TI MSP430 Installation Ubuntu + Cygwin (Windows)

Official Website 


Install libncurses
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev

Install msp430 toolchain
$ sudo apt-get install msp430-libc mspdebug msp430mcu binutils-msp430 gcc-msp430 gdb-msp430



Make sure rpm package is installed (Run setup again, under util if rpm cannot be found)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Contiki OS: RPL Network Setup 1

One mote can be used as a Border Router to bridge the wireless IPv6 network (e.g., LLN) to a PC via serial link. By which, the IPv6 network traffic can reach outside network, and the Internet.

InstantContiki 2.7 or any machine with Contiki-2.7 and TI MSP430 toolchain (See here)

1. Border router (mote 1)
#cd contiki-2.7/examples/ipv6/rpl-border-router
#make TARGET=sky
#sudo make TARGET=sky border-router.upload

2. UDP servers (motes 2..n) or any IPv6 service
#cd contiki-2.7/examples/ipv6/rpl-udp
#make TARGET=sky
#sudo make TARGET=sky udp-server.upload

3. Host machine 

- Linux using tunslip6 (with mote 1 connected as ttyUSB0)

#cd contiki-2.7/tools
#make tunslip6
#sudo ./tunslip6 -s /dev/ttyUSB0 aaaa::1/64

Cooja: sudo ./tunslip6 -a aaaa::1/64
(enable Serial  Socket Server in the Cooja node used as the wireless interface)

- Windows using wpcapslip6 (with mote 1 connected as COM5)
Run cmd (Admin)
ifconfig /all --> find a working network interface (e.g.,Virtual Box Network Interface), MAC address: 00-50-56-C0-00-01
cd tools\stm32w\wpcapslip6
wpcapslip6 -s /dev/com5 -b aaaa:: -a aaaa::1/64 00-50-56-C0-00-01 (COM5 is where the mote is connected, check in Device Manager)

4. Test
ping6 aaaa::212:7400:13cb:44 (mote 1, border router)
ping6 aaaa::212:7400:13ca:fee4 (mote 2)
ping6 aaaa::212:7400:13cb:34fa (mote 3)

Firefox: http://[aaaa::212:7400:13cb:44]